College directory

Please note:

Our directory is currently under maintenance. Please refer to the department listings below or visit an academic school for more contact information.

Emergency contacts

In case of an emergency, call 911.

Safety and Security

519-748-5220, ext. 5555 (emergencies)
519-748-5220, ext. 3357 (non-emergencies)

Contact a department

If unable to find the contact you need, try using our frequently called numbers listed below.

Department listings
DepartmentPhone number
Accessible Learning
519-748-5220, ext. 3232
Advancement519-748-5220, ext. 2489
Alumni519-748-5220, ext. 2232
Athletics519-748-5220, ext. 3512
Campus Store (formerly Bookstore)
519-748-5220, ext. 3241 (Kitchener - Doon)
519-824-9390, ext. 6126 (Guelph)
519-885-0300, ext. 5238 (Waterloo)
Child Care519-748-5220 (Kitchener - Doon)
Conestoga Students Inc.519-748-5131
Co-operative Education 519-748-5220, ext. 3756
Counselling519-748-5220, ext. 3679
Human Resources (login required) / Employment 519-748-5220, ext. 3399
Housing - college residence 519-895-2272
Housing - off campus (for rental postings) 519-748-5220, ext. 3360
Information Technology Service Desk519-748-5220, ext. 3444
International Student Office519-748-5220, ext. 3556
Learning Commons519-748-5220, ext. 2308
Library 519-748-5220, ext. 3361
Medical Care Clinic 519-748-5220, ext. 3679
myCAREER Services
519-748-5220, ext. 2298
Parking & transportation519-748-5220, ext. 3531
Testing & Assessment Services519-748-5220, ext. 3161
Registrar - Admissions, registration and program information 519-748-5220, ext. 3656
Recreation Centre519-748-5220, ext. 3512
Safety and Security
519-748-5220, ext. 3357
ext. 5555 for emergencies
Student Financial Services519-748-5220, ext. 3378
Student Financial Services - Awards519-748-5220, ext. 3326
Student Engagement519-748-5220, ext. 3239