New students

What you do here, counts out there

Your choice to come to Conestoga is your first step toward a successful career in your chosen field. The knowledge and experiences you gain here will prepare you for the many exciting opportunities and challenges that await you in the workplace, in your community and in your life.

As a new student, you may have questions about the various aspects of student life. This web page is designed to help answer these questions and introduce you to the many services Conestoga offers.

Next steps checklist

As a new student at Conestoga you will want to make sure you have checked the following:

  • If, after accepting an Offer of Admission, you change your mind or receive another offer, you may accept the new offer as long as you update your online confirmation at before the deadline stated by Conestoga.
  • You may accept a Wait-List Offer to one or more programs in addition to confirming an Offer of Admission to one other program.
  • Send or bring proof of completion of academic conditions, if still outstanding, to the Admission Office, Welcome Centre, Kitchener - Doon campus.

For answers to your questions, contact 519-748-5220, ext. 3656.

Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)

The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a combination of federal and provincial loans and grants available for students in financial need to help meet the costs associated with post-secondary education.     

For more information, visit OSAP & aid or email      


Each term, full-time students can submit an award application to be considered for over 400 awards, scholarships, and bursaries. 

For due dates and eligibility, please visit Awards.

Student fee invoice and payment information

Important: for fee due dates, please see Payments & invoicing

  • Student fee invoices are posted on the Student Portal (INVOICES ARE NOT MAILED). You must log in to the Student Portal to access your fee invoice.
  • Please read your fee invoice carefully and ensure you are aware of your fee due date and payment options.
  • Approved payment options include:
    • Visa, MasterCard or debit, through the Student Portal
    • certified cheque (certified by a financial institution) or money order. Non-certified cheques will not be accepted.
    • online banking

For information about fee invoicing and payment options, refer to Payments & invoicing.      

If you have questions about fee invoicing, contact

Registration information
Accessible Learning
  • If you require accommodations for a documented disability, please register with Accessible Learning as soon as you accept an Offer of Admission. For information on documentation guidelines, visit our website.
  • With appropriate documentation, counsellors in Accessible Learning will determine academic accommodations and share information about the full range of supports and services. Call us early at 519-748-5220, ext. 3232.
  • Watch for the Orientation schedule:
    • Important information on parking, textbooks, and various Conestoga services will be included.
  • Orientation information will be mailed out to you prior to the start of the term.
  • Begin the exciting path toward your career by attending your Orientation day.

Academic dates

Don't miss any important academic dates this term. Academic dates run from September 1 to August 31.

Frequently asked questions

Is financial assistance available to me? If so, in what form?

Student Financial Services provides financial support, information, advice and services to help achieve your post-secondary goals.  

There are a number of options for you to consider when deciding how to finance your post-secondary education. The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) promotes equal access to post-secondary studies by providing loans and grants to assist with direct educational costs and living expenses. For more information, please visit OSAP: Ontario Student Assistance Program.  

Conestoga College offers $500 to $1,000 entrance scholarships for full-time, domestic students who demonstrate academic excellence and financial need.  

Conestoga College offers bursaries to help with financial emergencies or ongoing financial need, as well as awards and scholarships that recognize excellence.

Can my parents or partner ask you about my college records?

Under current provincial law, a student's records are considered confidential and will be released to a third party only upon the written authorization of the student or by exception as noted under the Release of Information section of the Student Guide. Information collected in student records will be used to administer the programs and activities of the college. While student records are the property of the college, students have the right to view their own records upon request. Student records may include personal, academic and non-academic information (for example, identification photographs). For more information, please visit Student Records or Student Rights and Responsibilities.  

Where do I park and do I have to pay?

For information about parking applications, regulations, procedures and fees, visit Parking & transportation.  

Is there a library on campus?

A virtual library containing many resources is available to all students and can be accessed by using your LRC PIN. Kitchener - Doon and Cambridge campuses have a physical library on site. For more information, visit Library Services.  

What additional assistance or services are available to me?

There are a large number of services available to you as a Conestoga student. Please view the links below to find more information on location, hours and services offered by each area.

How do I get my textbooks?

Vist the Campus Store online to order textbooks.

Can I opt out of the health plan if I want to?

Visit Conestoga Students Inc. Benefit Plan for opt out information and deadlines. 

I am an international student. Is there someone that can help me with general questions?

Many international student questions can be answered on the International site. For further assistance, contact the appropriate International office employee.     

How do I get a bus pass?

Visit Public transit to learn about bus pass options for your campus.

How do I get my student ONE Card and what is it used for?

Conestoga's ONE Card is the college's identification for students and is designed to keep your life simple by offering an all-in-one solution. Your ONE Card provides identity validation during exams and allows you to use campus services, make off-campus purchases with Condor Cash, access vendor discounts, and ride the Grand River Transit system (with a valid U-Pass). 

All full-time students receive a ONE Card. To receive your card, and gain access to your timetable, you must upload your ONE Card student photo. After your photo has been uploaded and approved, you will receive an email confirmation with information about how to how to pick up your ONE Card on campus. Visit Get your card for instructions on how to upload your photo and how to pick up your ONE Card on campus.    

How can I find somewhere to live?

Explore the Student housing section for details about Conestoga housing and alternative accommodation options. The International Department provides housing tips, options and frequently asked questions on the Housing web page.

What are ways I can get involved on campus?

Conestoga College is proud to offer students a wide range of opportunities and experiences to get involved on campus through our Events & Activities page on the Student Success Portal. The Student Success Portal allows students to search for meaningful on-campus co-curricular experiences and provides them with an official document recognizing their involvement and contributions.

Are there part-time jobs for students on campus?

There are a number of part-time positions available to students on campus. Current available on-campus jobs can be found on the MyCareer site.     

In addition, Conestoga's work study program provides on-campus, program-related employment to current students. For eligibility, please visit Work study.