If you would like more information about the School of Health and Life Sciences, please email alliedhealthsciences@conestogac.on.ca.
If you are a potential international student with questions about the admissions process, please visit International - Application information.
Administrative contacts
Name | Title | Programs |
Sandra Schelling | Executive Dean, School of Community Services and School of Health & Life Sciences | |
Natalia Ronda | Dean, Health & Life Sciences | |
Krisden Galloway | Executive Assistant, School of Health & Life Sciences | |
Bela Ferreira | Chair, Allied Health & Life Sciences |
Angela Khven | Support Services Officer, Allied Health & Life Sciences | |
Jennifer Barton | RT Competency Attainment Specialist | |
Anna Baker | Program Manager, Allied Health & Life Sciences | |
Erin Szwalek Hornby | Support Services Officer, Allied Health & Life Sciences | |
Christian Gomez | Technologist | |
Tim Pagett | Technologist | |
Curt Monk | Chair, Informatics & Life Sciences |
TBD | Support Services Officer, Informatics & Life Sciences | |
Stacey Robinson | Manager, Life Sciences Laboratories | |
Hillary O'Brien | Technologist | |
Shannon Knoblauch | Technologist | |
Bai Yang | Chair, Nursing |
Alysia Ratz | Program Manager, Nursing | |
Anita Langlois | Program Manager, Nursing | |
Jennifer Davis | Support Services Officer, Nursing | |
Kelsee Kelly | Support Services Officer, Nursing | |
Michelle Heyer | Chair, Nursing and Health Sciences |
Natasha Gomes | Program Assistant, Senior Care | |
Pamela MacBeth | Program Assistant, Senior Care | |
Liz Brown | Support Services Officer, Senior Care | |
Kendra Fillion | Program Manager, Nursing & Associated programs | |
Lauren Crutchlow | Program Manager, Nursing | |
Brandon Restoule | Technologist | |
Channa Cochrane | Technologist | |
Chelsea Fallis | Clinical Skills Technologist | |
Missy Walpole | Clinical Skills Technologist | |
Jennifer McFarlane | Technologist | |
Vicci Taylor | Technologist | |
Rob Vander Heyden | Manager, Cowan Health Sciences Centre | |
Kyla Rotobilsky | Manager, Simulation & Learning Innovation | |
Program contacts
Program | Program contact |
Advanced Neonatal Care for the Respiratory Therapist | phall@conestogac.on.ca |
Bachelor of Applied Biotechnology (Honours) |
rroeder@conestogac.on.ca |
Bachelor of Applied Health Information Science (Honours) |
BAHIScoordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Bachelor of Environmental Public Health (Honours) | BEPHcoordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Bachelor of Science - Nursing (Honours) | BScNDegree@conestogac.on.ca |
Biotechnology Technician | BIOTECHcoordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Cardiovascular Nursing | jjharrison@conestogac.on.ca |
Clinical Research | alliedhealthsciences@conestogac.on.ca |
Communicative Disorders Assistant | alliedhealthsciences@conestogac.on.ca |
Community Pharmacy Assistant |
spfeifer@conestogac.on.ca |
Diploma Registered Practical Nurse to B.Sc.N. (McMaster) | jroloson@conestogac.on.ca |
Enhanced Personal Support Worker - Palliative/End-of-Life Care | CE-HLSCS@conestogac.on.ca |
Enhanced Practice for Internationally Educated Nurses | IENcoordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Fitness and Health Promotion | FHPcoordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Global Public Health Management | smergulhao@conestogac.on.ca |
Health and Social Systems Navigation | alliedhealthsciences@conestogac.on.ca |
Health Care Administration and Service Management | alliedhealthsciences@conestogac.on.ca |
Health Care Quality Improvement and Safety Management | alliedhealthsciences@conestogac.on.ca |
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Management | alanglois@conestogac.on.ca |
Health Systems Specialization | alliedhealthsciences@conestogac.on.ca |
Healthcare Project Leadership and Management | lcrutchlow@conestogac.on.ca |
Hearing Instrument Specialist | HIScoordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Infection Prevention and Control | meenakshi@conestogac.on.ca |
Laboratory Quality Management | alliedhealthsciences@conestogac.on.ca |
Leadership in Senior Living | leadershipseniorliving@conestogac.on.ca |
Long Term Care and Retirement Community Management | alliedhealthsciences@conestogac.on.ca |
Massage Therapy | massagetherapycoordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician | mlatsupport@conestogac.on.ca |
Medical Laboratory Science | MLS.Coordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Nephrology Nursing | JRdavis@conestogac.on.ca |
Nursing - BScN (McMaster) | slebouthillier@conestogac.on.ca |
Nursing Leadership and Healthcare Management | nursingleadership@conestogac.on.ca |
Nutrition and Food Service Management | nfsmcoordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Occupational Therapist Assistant & Physiotherapist Assistant | OTAPTAcoordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Paramedic | paramediccoordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Personal Support Worker | PSWinfo@conestogac.on.ca |
Pharmacy Technician | spfeifer@conestogac.on.ca |
Practical Nursing | pninfo@conestogac.on.ca |
Practical Nursing (PSW to PN Bridge) | pnbridgeinfo@conestogac.on.ca |
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees | prehealth@conestogac.on.ca |
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas | prehealth@conestogac.on.ca |
Public Health Nursing | alanglois@conestogac.on.ca |
Registered Nurse - Critical Care Nursing | jjharrison@conestogac.on.ca |
Registered Nurse - Perioperative Nursing | jrdavis@conestogac.on.ca |
Registered Practical Nurse - Perioperative Nursing | jrdavis@conestogac.on.ca@conestogac.on.ca |
Regulatory Affairs | alliedhealthsciences@conestogac.on.ca |
Respiratory Therapy | RTcoordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Student Success Advisors (SSAs)
Student Success Advisors assist you throughout your academic journey by coaching, supporting, and guiding you to set and meet your academic goals. Sign in to the Student Success Portal to book an appointment.
International Student Immigration Advisors (ISIAs)
ISIAs are available to guide students and provide information to ensure international student compliance relating to studying and working in Canada. For study and work permits, temporary resident visas, and work eligibility information, please contact an ISIA by emailing internationaladvisor@conestogac.on.ca or booking an appointment.