If you would like more information about the School of Interdisciplinary Studies, please email genedfaq@conestogac.on.ca.
If you are a potential international student with questions about the admissions process, please visit International - Application information.
Administrative contacts
Name | Title | Programs |
Shawn Brake | Executive Dean, School of Interdisciplinary Studies & The Language Institute | |
Cherie Mongeon | Administrative Coordinator, School of Interdisciplinary Studies | |
Adam Miller | Chair, GNED & Liberal Studies |
Natalie Hughes | Chair, Conestoga Language Institute & Manager, IELTS Centre |
Rosie Hessian | Chair, Interdisciplinary Studies Director, Jill of All Trades |
Shannon Todd | Chair, Communications & Career Development |
Erin Kelly | Program Manager, Communications & Career Development | |
Scott Verhoeve | Program Manager, Interdisciplinary Studies | |
Katelyn McCreary | Activity & Events Coordinator | |
Chan Hen Vann | Support Services Officer |
Jen West | Support Services Officer |
Krista Allen | Support Services Officer |
Liliana Pereira Melo | Support Services Officer |
Program contacts
Program | Program contact |
American Sign Language - Basic Skills | lpereiramelo@conestogac.on.ca |
Applied Research |
ddepasquale@conestogac.on.ca |
Bachelor of Communications Management (Honours) |
BCM@conestogac.on.ca |
French Language | kallen@conestogac.on.ca |
General Arts and Science - Diploma Option | GAS@conestogac.on.ca |
General Arts and Science - One Year | GAS@conestogac.on.ca |
General Arts and Science: English Language Studies | elscoordinator@conestogac.on.ca |
Indigenous Studies |
amiller3@conestogac.on.ca |
Intercultural Leadership | ekelly@conestogac.on.ca |
Language Interpreter Training |
lpereiramelo@conestogac.on.ca |
Public Relations - Integrated Communications | cleibel@conestogac.on.ca |
Public Relations | prdiploma@conestogac.on.ca |
Public Service | srintoul@conestogac.on.ca |
Spanish Language | kallen@conestogac.on.ca |
Teaching English as a Second Language |
amcintosh@conestogac.on.ca |
Technical Communication | srintoul@conestogac.on.ca |
Student Success Advisors (SSAs)
Student Success Advisors assist you throughout your academic journey by coaching, supporting, and guiding you to set and meet your academic goals. Sign in to the Student Success Portal to book an appointment.
International Student Immigration Advisors (ISIAs)
ISIAs are available to guide students and provide information to ensure international student compliance relating to studying and working in Canada. For study and work permits, temporary resident visas, and work eligibility information, please contact an ISIA by emailing internationaladvisor@conestogac.on.ca or booking an appointment.